Sanctus Est

“Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God.” - G.W. Carver

Sunday, April 10, 2005

I think I've decided to move!

Hi! Well in light of my trip to Ireland I've been thinking...
about moving there after I finish uni (1 yr and half left)! Yay!
Well I'm always banging on about nature and there was so much
that I liked about the place! I've told some friends and my parents
about the idea. My parents seemed like they approved and the friends
I've told so far about it all, like it! Of course I'll chat with my friends
out there about it too!

I want to do this for several reasons:

1. The scenery, nature and mountains etc.
2. I've been told that there's a nice sense of community.
3. Dublin's more laid back than London although I may live in Wicklow.
4. I've been at home for uni. I've lived here all my life and don't particulary
like the place :-)
5. It's the best time of my life to move somewhere if I want to. Friends
have moved on to different places over here in England.
6. It's different and I'm up for a bit of an adventure! I'm ready for a
change to my life!
7. I just have a good feel about the place!
8. I want to travel around the world but there's no one to go with.
I also want to travel as part of my job anyway.

Plus I think that God's guiding me there!

So I've been thinking about that for the past few days. It's all good!
Of course I have over a year to go before I finish uni so that's time
enough to think and talk about it all more.
I don't know how long I'd live there for but that's okay. A lot of the
things I was looking for or have liked for lifestyle can be found there
I think. I always assumed that I'd have them in England but not necissarily...


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