Sanctus Est

“Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God.” - G.W. Carver

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Recently I watched a scene from The Passion of Christ again. It's where Claudia Procles/Procula warns Pilate after her dream: "NOLI HUNC HOMINEM GALILAEUM CONDEMNARE. SANCTUS EST" ("do not condemn this Galilean. He is Holy").

In the Bible it says "While Pilate was sitting on the judge's seat, his wife sent him this message: "Don't have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him." (Matthew 27:19)

I wonder what was in the dream!

I find her role fascinating. She is mentioned hardly at all in the Bible yet it's amazing. The fact that God revealed himself to her, a pagan Roman in a dream shows something huge. He not only talked to her but revealed to her that Jesus was innocent. The question is why? Why if God knew that Pilate would sentence Jesus to death anyway? The answer perhaps is their own salvation. Who knows? She could have been saved. Pilate even.

In the film she's fleshed out more as a person. She's given a few scenes and I like that. In the film the people are made more real to us. I wonder what it would be like to meet them? Claudia and others in the Bible have been given myths over time. Amazing to think that she is only given a verse in the Bible yet many have been speculating about her life, along with Pilate's.

Both Claudia and Pontius hold some of my favorite scenes in the film.


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