Death but where's the glory?
Not feeling particualrly good today!
It's been uneventful giving me a fair amount of time to think
about life the universe and everything!
So far I've come up with...
1/. I hope I die while young.
Only problem with that is, I haven't done anything worthwhile
yet for people to remember me by. When I was younger I thought
it would be good to die in my twenties while I'm in my "prime",
best looking and do something which would lead people to say
"oh such a shame she had so much potential" e.g. uni students that
die are viewed as tragic. I am a uni student but they wouldn't be able
to say "oh she was such a good student". Also thought it would be a
good idea to be killed in the midst of doing something heroic.
2/. I have no idea where my life is leading.
Uni hasn't gone well by any stretch of the imagination and to be
honest I don't really want to carry on next year if I have to go though
what I went through for the first, second years and before that, A-levels.
I don't even know if they'll take me back anyway. If I don't finish uni
though, my life looks set to be completely rubbish.
3/. I feel numb on the whole.
The songs that describe me best at the mo are Evanescence's songs
"Bring me to life" and "Tourniquet". If you want the lyrics you can
always google it. If I put them on here it would make this post
Anyway something to cheer you up :-)
Here's a link to a death clock. A kind of estimate of when you're
going to die and tells you how many seconds you have. It also
counts down every second. A bit of fun! Shame it says I have until
2064. Far too long for me! Darn I still have tons of years left on
this wretched planet!
It would be good if I could go to the Summer Fest at my church
tonight! However I may not be able to get lifts! :-(
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