Poetry corner!
Both poems written by me 18/08/05.
Wondering Gypsy
I feel like the leaves of Autumn,
Blown to and fro, unknown where and when I'll land.
Turning all the colours of the sun,
Happy yellow, uncertain orange, tearstained red.
A lone gysy wondering the land,
wondering though life,
while others come and go.
Like a leaf, a gypsy wondering alone.
A season for everything:
Birth, life, wondering and dying.
Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
Like a leaf floating in Autumn,
The Gypsey walks but doesn't settle.
The great tree stands,
still and calm, steady as a rock,
There with open arms,
Even while floating,
I know it's there.
A gypsy sees it when passing,
but still wondering.
She is in Autumn.
The stars at night,
steady and true,
sparkling and guiding,
peaceful, amazing.
Many a ship has been steared to safety.
Many a pilgrim seeking the way has gazed.
Many a lounger looking upwards at beauty.
Many an ancient looking for guidence.
The moon highlight's the stars' beauty.
Over land or water, the stars hold steady.
In a world of change a glimpse of eternity.
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